
"Be yourself with your body; remember your body is your personal barometer."

Body Confidence Matters

(Part One of the Spring Blog Series about the benefits of age and body image.)

body confidence

Body Confidence evolves from a positive body image, but which comes first?  From, “”Body image” is the way that someone perceives their body and assumes that others perceive them the same way.

Fortunately, as we age the second part of that statement loses its influence.

As young women we were led to believe that our body image reflected the current cultural standards for beauty as addressed in the media. To the degree our body conformed to those standards, our body image rose or fell. That may have been true during our youth when fad diets, exercise programs, and hip fashions occupied most of our attention. Changing our appearance was as easy as dying our hair, changing our makeup, or buying a new outfit and was all about our image…not our body or who we were.

Older women know it takes more than a change of clothes, or a new hair cut to better one’s body image. We also acknowledge that weight comes naturally with each passing decade, and that the 22 inch waist of our teens and twenties has relaxed with the arrival of each child, and that regardless of the number on the scale, the appearance of the pounds on our frame has shifted. Sure, surgery can take care of what the effects of exercise leave untouched; but that’s a drastic solution to a naturally occurring change.

Besides, the person within is the source of the confidence, and not our external trappings.

Those external changes had nothing to do with body confidence which as an internal transformation can occur at any age.

The best part is we have total control over our body confidence. True body confidence begins within us and emerges in a vastly improved body image…at any age. Others reactions to our improved body image serve to energize our body confidence. And the positive cycle begins again, your body confidence is a renewable resource!

Of course Body Confidence matters, and the Body Knowledge System® shows you the way!

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