
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."

Social Media or Emotional Media?


As Dale Carnegie said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.”  As social media intrudes in every area of our lives, the posts on FB, Instagram, SMS go beyond simple information when they elicit passionate support or criticism from the audience.

Studies indicate that when a reactionary comment appears, it’s a gut reaction rather than a well thought out response from the writer. As if the misspellings, grammatical errors, and disjointed thoughts don’t indicate what science has confirmed.

When items are shared, there is intention behind the posting. The sharer expresses an emotion when posting on any public forum, even though they may be unaware of the motivation at the time.  The more personal the share, the more emotion is behind it.

The importance of social media in our culture increases exponentially as more people sign up, subscribe, and become addicted to their online lives.

Since this medium is all about image, how do you feel about yours?

1)Do you hide behind pictures of your children or your pets, emojis, or action figures?

2)Do you post a professional head shot?

3)Perhaps your high school graduation yearbook photo?

Your answers indicate more about your feelings about your body than perhaps you know.

For the answers to those and many other questions you have about your body image, contact Coach Stephanie for a free conversation.

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