
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."

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New StartHappy New Year!  You enjoyed the Holidays, right? Ok, even if you didn’t, this week, this year is a new beginning, a new start for everyone…

How do I know this? Because one my favorite clients, Cathe (not her real name), volunteered to open up and share her progress (and setbacks), her ups and downs, her challenges and triumphs during our coaching calls for the 3 weeks.

And no, I didn’t ask, she volunteered.

Why? So she could help herself by helping others.  A normally shy person but professionally successful single mother, Cathe shares the same struggles as the rest of us. By opening up her process to getting the happiness she wants and deserves, she feels others will benefit by knowing they are not alone—and what better time to begin than the New Year.

These events and their outcomes will resonate with you, perhaps you can identify with them, and certainly you’ll learn from them beyond the value Cathe’s received from learning to love her body through our time together…

A quick note before we close: Cathe will bring her issues to the table for the next 3 weeks (so we won’t be going through my agenda, but her concerns – honest, gritty, real-life stuff. You’ll be nodding your head and understanding what she’s dealing with).

“Coaching with Cathe” is the catalyst to get where you want to be in 2013—the first step is a phone call.  1-866-76-COACH

Looking forward to talking to you—-soon!

To you, your body, and the upcoming year,


Celebrate the Season

When you have knowledge of your body, you listen to your body. As long as the lines of communication remain open between you and your body; you and your body will eat, drink, and be merry throughout the holidays——and for every day of the New Year.

What is the key to enjoying the holidays? The parties, the gifting, the visiting, the entertaining, the family and friends are there for you to celebrate, appreciate and make life long memories to share with others. When you accept an invitation, plan a party, or purchase tickets to a special event, remember to extend an invitation to your body to join you. When you consciously include your body in everything you do, you enhance the experience for both of you.

The holidays are all about learning, sharing, and enjoying; as is the Body Knowledge System®.* Use the Body Knowledge System® this season to get the most out of every event you attend, host, or experience. Love rather than fear the food, the drink, the company. Whether you and your body attend a party, host a dinner, or participate in an event; as soon as you accept your body as your buddy, your friend, your partner; you will bring out the best in both of you.

You and a guest are invited to these two free tele-classes this season:

How to Listen to Your Body during the Holidays – Body Talk 101

December 10th at 3pm EST

  • Make exercise an enjoyable part of your day!
  • Jump off your weight loss plateau!

Learn how to Bring Your Body to the Party, Eat, and Be Merry

December 15 at 2:30pm EST

  • Get control of your eating patterns during any event.
  • Envision your body and you having joy plus control when in new environments or away from home.

How to find time for Movement with your body during this Holiday Season

December 18th at 1pm EST

“All I want for Christmas is…”

Our Christmas gift to you is the ease of getting to know your body through the Body Knowledge Dance. It’s easy, practical, and economical. You already have everything you need. Nothing special to buy, borrow or wear. Come as you are, whenever and wherever you are. Simply move something, or everything, any part or all parts. When you move, you practice the Body Knowledge System®. Regardless of your athleticism, your physicality, your rhythm, coordination, or energy level, if you move any part of your body you are practicing the Body Knowledge Dance. And when you practice your dance, you dance your practice…and with every motion, you get to know your body and your body gets to know you.

“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…” Rogers & Hammerstein, The King and I.

Your body accompanies you to the party, the dinner, the event. This is a good thing on so many levels. When your body is with you, someone always has your back and you’re never alone. It’s no longer about self-control or self-discipline.

Last year, you said “No, thank you” and held your hand up to prevent seduction from the cheese puffs or fudge truffles on the silver tray. This year, you’ll say
“Yes, please” and accept with pleasure the offerings you and your body agree work for both of you. No longing, no denial, no guilt. Satisfaction from sharing a common incentive: health, wellness, feeling good on the inside and looking good on the outside.

The more you practice the Body Knowledge Dance, the more you learn about each other and the more comfortable you become with each other. Trust increases. Confidence builds. Choices are opportunities more than challenges, and the results benefit both of you. The better you know each other, the more fun you’ll have with each other. During the holiday season and for the rest of your years together to get the most out of your life, get to know your body—and let your body know you. Together, you’ll live together, love together, learn together and enjoy life together—in the most wonderful way.

So, Happy Holidays dancing your practice, and practicing your dance! Celebrate the New Year with the Body Knowledge System® as it enriches your experience every day of your life.

*Learn more about The Body Knowledge System® at

Happy Healthy Holidays

Celebrate the Season

When you have knowledge of your body, you listen to your body. As long as the lines of communication remain open between you and your body; you and your body will eat, drink, and be merry throughout the holidays—and for every day of the New Year. 

What is the key to enjoying the holidays? The parties, the gifting, the visiting, the entertaining, the family and friends are there for you to celebrate, appreciate and make life long memories to share with others. When you accept an invitation, plan a party, or purchase tickets to a special event, remember to extend an invitation to your body to join you.  When you consciously include your body in everything you do, you enhance the experience for both of you.

Happy HolidaysThe holidays are all about learning, sharing, and enjoying; as is the Body Knowledge System®.*  Use the Body Knowledge System® this season to get the most out of every event you attend, host, or experience. Love rather than fear the food, the drink, the company.  Whether you and your body attend a party, host a dinner, or participate in an event; as soon as you accept your body as your buddy, your friend, your partner; you will bring out the best in both of you.

“All I want for Christmas is…”

Our Christmas gift to you is the ease of getting to know your body through the Body Knowledge Dance®.  It’s easy, practical, and economical.  You already have everything you need. Nothing special to buy, borrow or wear. Come as you are, whenever and wherever you are. Simply move something, or everything, any part or all of when you move, you practice the Body Knowledge System®. Regardless of your athleticism, your physicality, your rhythm, coordination, or energy level, if you move any part of your body you are practicing the Body Knowledge Dance®. And when you practice your dance, you dance your practice…and with every motion, you get to know your body and your body gets to know you.

“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…” Rogers & Hammerstein, The King and I.

invitationYour body accompanies you to the party, the dinner, the event. This is a good thing on so many levels. When your body is with you, someone always has your back and you’re never alone. It’s no longer about self-control or self-discipline.

Last year, you said “No, thank you” and held your hand up to prevent seduction from the cheese puffs or fudge truffles on the silver tray. This year, you’ll say
“Yes, please” and accept with pleasure the offerings you and your body agree work for both of you.  No longing, no denial, no guilt. Satisfaction from sharing a common incentive: health, wellness, feeling good on the inside and looking good on the outside.

The more you practice the Body Knowledge Dance®, the more you learn about each other and the more comfortable you become with each other. Trust increases. Confidence builds. Choices are opportunities more than challenges, and the results benefit both of you.  The better you know each other, the more fun you’ll have with each other. During the holiday season and for the rest of your years together to get the most out of your life, get to know your body—and let your body know you. Together, you’ll live together, love together, learn together and enjoy life together—in the most wonderful way.

So, Happy Holidays dancing your practice, and practicing your dance! Celebrate the New Year with the Body Knowledge System® as it enriches your experience every day of your life.

*Learn more about The Body Knowledge System® at

Let me ask you. Does the word ‘exercise’ create feelings of frustration, failure, negativity, and guilt?

If so, there is a reason that you quit the Health Club a week after you joined and are using your Treadmill machine or other exercise equipment as a place for hanging your clothes.

From the Body Knowledge System® perspective, those guilt producers are

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the results of doing exercise someone else’s way, instead of learning how to do it your way and still having it work and be fun.

Discover and Listen for free now to just one of the ways you can encourage your body to be fit, active, and loose weight!

(Psss… If you liked the audio you’re going to love getting a free chapter to get you on the path to better health, better environment, and making better decisions that support everything you want out of life).

What if I told you exercise and a healthy lifestyle is easy when you get back into an honest, open communication with your body? Well it can be. You’ll find yourself naturally making choices that are good for your body when you learn how to communicate with her.

  • Your body wants to move.
    Your body is built for motion.
    Movement is your body’s natural way of being.

Movement is natural, but some how we make ourselves crazy about exercise. When we learn to talk to and trust our bodies, then we get clear, specific guidance on what we can do that feels good and is good for our body.

Your body knows what she needs, wants, and is willingly to do what needs to be done to maintain her best self…all you have to do is listen to her…so what are you waiting for?

Body Knowledge is not restricted to eating and exercise. Body Knowledge is relevant to your work, your play, your health, your daily routine, your environments, your comfort zone, and the events that take you out of your routine, and more. No more trying to fit your body and lifestyle into someone else’s plans instead this system is custom tailored for you and fits into your life instead of the other way around.

Here is what I encourage you to do as a first step:

  • Have a conversation with your body to understand how she wants to move.
    State your committed intention and move with these words out loud© How does your body react?
    Let your body tell you what she likes and dislikes.

I encourage you to follow her lead and see where it takes you… I promise you will enjoy the journey.

We feel everything in our lives. We move with life’s big dramas and small events. Maybe we embrace the happiness or sadness that comes to us, or maybe we resist. Maybe we are out-of-sync, or maybe we go with the flow.

How do you stay centered through life’s ups and downs? It’s learning to listen and move with our bodies.

The movement keeps you awake and alive with your body. Movement opens you up to functioning on all levels, not just the mental level where many of us function much of the time.

Movement brings you back into your body, where you find deeper self-knowledge. You illuminate your understanding of your style of functioning, and you trust your way of operating a little more than you did before. You know what you truly want in life.

Here’s an example:
Let’s say that you want to reduce your intake of sugar. Start moving. Let your body tell you how he/she wants to move. What would it look like and feel like in your body if you didn’t eat as much sugar? Close your eyes, move with her, let your body decide. It might be a big hooray. Your body might feel a lot of excitement that you’re eating less sugar.

State this as a positive intention:
‘I am ecstatic because I’m consuming less sugar!’

With that movement and intention, make a picture in your mind. Visualize it. Now, you’ve captured it. Practice it. Perform it again and again until it’s solidly in your body.

Once you commit it to memory, practice the ‘dance’.

Let the movement change; be your own choreographer. I encourage you to add music; add song; see your visualization even more clearly by seeing a scene in a movie that touched your heart or made you cry or made you laugh; see something in nature that brings more aliveness to your choreographed sequence of movement.

It’s Fun!

Try it and let me know what you think.

Learn one tool of many that will help you to not gain weight this holiday season.

Once you watch this value packed webinar you may want to take it one step further. Come to the Virtual Retreat and learn more about healthy eating, food control, and gain a healthy lifestyle for the holidays and beyond.

Once upon a time, a beautiful princess slept soundly, so soundly that no one knew she wasn’t awake as she moved through her days and nights doing what all princesses are programmed to do.

Smile, curtsy, needlepoint, nod in agreement, and practice the reel, the dance she was taught to do with other courtiers on holidays and after banquets.
Graceful in her execution of the steps, the sweep of her arm, no one suspected that she was unconscious during the entire performance.

As a child, she giggled, sang, laughed, flapped her arms and pretended she could fly like the hawk on her older brother’s arm.

As she matured, she forgot how to laugh, to sing, and to fly.

Now, even though asleep, she helped her parents rule the kingdom, and occasionally looked out the window.

“When will my prince come along?” She didn’t know where that thought came from, only that she was supposed to think it.

One foggy night, she stepped into the garden and sat on the marble bench.
“Strange,” she thought. “My booty hath caught a chill” Since that had never happened before, she was more puzzled than uncomfortable, so she remained sitting on the bench until the chill went away.
“Hmmmm,”it was almost a hum, so her lips tingled. She imagined that must be what a kiss felt like from a prince. She continued to sit on the bench as she slept on through her life.

The leaves fell. The snow fell, covering her with a thin sheen of ice.
Spring arrived, melting the snow and ice, and releasing the princess so that she could return to the castle.

Only this year, she stayed seated on the cold, hard marble bench. This year, she closed her eyes and continued to sleep soundly which had become apparent to any and everyone who walked past her.
She didn’t hear their sighs, nor the tsk-tsks, nor did she care. Our princess was frozen from the inside out and the outside in.

Warm, soft lips tingled her cold, hard mouth. “Hmmmm,” more than a hum, no longer numb, the princess responded. She sensed an invitation, an offer of love, of kindness, of friendship. The offer touched her deeply.

Suddenly, she realized what she’d been missing in her lonely life. She felt her fingertips and toes wiggle. Then the warmth spread to her wrists and ankles. Arms, shoulders; legs, hip; neck and head began to move radiating a blush throughout her body.

She stood, she moved, she smiled, she danced!

Rejoicing, our princess realized her lonely days were over; she would never be alone again, because she had just discovered her (BFF) Best Friend for Forever, her body.

So, who needs a prince, anyway?

This fabulous fable is a metaphor for The Body Knowledge System®.

Our separation from our body begins shortly after birth and widens with every passing year.
Estranged by adulthood, most of us have feelings for our body—few of them positive.
We hate her, we are embarrassed about her, we focus on the “ugly” parts and ignore the beauty, the magnificence of this entity we need to live within.

Rather than gratitude for the functions she performs that leave us free to pursue our dreams, we resent her limitations: not tall enough to model, too tall to dance with the average American male, too fat to ever wear a size “0″ unless there’s a “2″ in front of it, too thin to have breasts that aren’t saline or silicone, too-too.

Girls as young as 8 or 9 years old “diet”, anorexia is a modern disease, women take male hormones to increase their strength and muscle definition, and aging is something to be feared, postponed, denied rather than embraced as a natural progression of life.

Once you end the estrangement with your body through the Body Knowledge System®, you are able to access the optimism, passion, and positive feelings resident at the cellular level of your physical self.
There is magic in motion, and as you dance your practice and practice your dance, you move closer and closer to the unity you both had at birth.

This is the organic, natural state of human beings: physical, intellectual, and spiritual embodied in one person.

To accomplish this, you need awareness of the estrangement, and once you acknowledge the separation, apply BKS to end it!

The positive energy that serves your practice comes from within you—everyone of us is blessed with love at our core, and the BKS helps us access it through communicating with our body.

Those who practice BKS and incorporate it into their daily lives experience the enthusiasm usually reserved for first love, birthday parties, or winning an Oscar!

Apparently, our princess needed/wanted a prince after all. Since ending the estrangement with her body, at the end of her daily practice she pirouetted into the courtyard and bumped into a herd of suitors.

The castle courtyard was full of knights, princes, male models, professional athletes, “D” list movie stars, frogs with puckered lips, and last year’s Dancing with the Stars’ 2nd runner up.

One by one she danced around each potential prince.

Stumbling past the male models, tripping over the frog feet, stubbing her toe on the NFL player’s cleats, accidentally knocking the mirror out of the male model’s hand, she does a perfect three point landing in front of the perfect prince: but how did she know he was “the one?”

She talked to her BFF, her body, and together they agreed to marry the prince, end world hunger, bring peace, and discover the cure for the common cold.

Spiritual people can be positive, enthusiastic, inspirational and truly believe in the benefits of their products or services.

However, if they are unaware of the estrangement from their bodies, they are only partially equipped to bring all the passion of their purpose to the market.

Without BKS® you will make sales, you will make progress, and you will make money; however, with a unified sales force pointed at your target market you will be amazed at the results.

Spiritual Marketing is motivated by the seller’s sincere passion for their product, their solid belief in the value of their service, and their confidence that the buyer will benefit beyond their expectations if they accept the seller’s offer.

Spiritual marketing is all about the consumer, client, and target market—more than about the product. If the seller doesn’t believe in their mission because of the value of it, he or she sells with the support of a small percentage of the energy available to them.

As soon as the BKS element joins the spiritual marketing efforts of the seller, solicitor, the combination optimizes their approach, their materials to yield a total, irresistible approach usually ending in a sale!

The Body Knowledge System® enhances the seller’s spiritual marketing efforts because of the integrity intrinsic in both. Both are truthful representations of value to the buyer, the BENEFIT to the buyer.
It’s not about the cost. It’s never about dollars and cents when the true value is found in the benefit of your book, class, training, coaching, services and products.

If you don’t believe in it, how can you expect others to buy it? Synergy from ending the estrangement with your body using BKS when added to spiritual marketing more than triples the results, because it increases the value of your products or services for the buyer.

Two are always more powerful than one.

How do you measure a ROI in terms other than cash? Happiness, Peace, Control of Your Life, Achieving Your Dreams? How do you quantify those?

What are they really worth in terms of dollars and cents?

Cash can not quantify intrinsic value— What value do diamonds have for a starving child?

“Land poor” refers to the irrelevance of acreage to the cash strapped consumer.

Jimmy Chou shoes are irrelevant to a diabetic.

Without cash for gasoline the Hummer stays in the garage.

When communicating with your body, you always know the answers to all of your who, what, when, how…and how much?

When combining BKS with spiritual marketing, your work will attract those like-minded people who will benefit the most from what you offer.

What are your thoughts?

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