
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."

Body Knowledge Cures Holiday Blues.


Everyone is familiar with the “post-partum blues” that can happen after having a baby when all the expectations of a bundle of joy meet the reality of diapers, drool, and responsibility for another human being.

The Body Knowledge System® has a cure for all the Blues!

The Blues happen after every loss in of our lives, but the day after Christmas comes with a predictable outcome: post-holiday let down.

The Body Knowledge System® has a cure for the post-holiday blues, too!

Whether all the shopping, cooking, entertaining, and clean up was your responsibility, or a shared one, the period prior to December 25th is filled with stress, dread, and expectations for the “happiest day of the year”. Regardless of the outcome, today is the day after the happiest day of the year.

If you are like most of us, your expectations usually exceed the reality of yesterday. Your sweet potato soufflé looked more like a yam pancake, your moist turkey resembled a raison rather than the plum promised by the recipe, and that very special gift you expected from your very special someone turned out to be the latest version of a food saver. Oh well, maybe next year…or the year after….

Now what?

Feel better fast!

Make a date with your BFF, and practice your dance and dance your practice!

If this is not making sense to you, contact Coach Stephanie for a free conversation on the Body Knowledge System® today!

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